Showing 15 Result(s)

"… little darling, you have changed."

Han Zhaolin was saddened. "Come on, don’t be ridiculous. Have you eaten or not?" Before Han Zhaolin came, he listened to Han’s mother’s continued, "Someone will eat the leftovers when you come back, or you will have to feed them to the guard dog at the door." Han Zhaolin … The world is full of …

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"You have to ask him that."

Xue defeated day smiled at Liu Chen. Liu Chen thoughtfully slightly, "… I still have some confidence and confidence to adjust the road injury to a level that does not affect the combat power in one year. Now that I have made an agreement, there is no reason to breach the contract." He is not …


Yang Tehong smiled heartily. "It really didn’t let me down. In his dream, he actually deduced a world after 500 years. If Charles had this dream, it is estimated that he would have replaced the golden head and become the biggest gangster in non-Somali port."

Mo Shang Tong: "It’s very dangerous that he doesn’t realize that he is dreaming. He may not wake up, and his spirit may be out of order. He will predict the future and regard himself as a prophet, which is very easy to have an accident. In many cases, he can’t think of it." Yang …

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Chapter 65 Blood of God

Yang Antai is a little far away from the entrance and exit of the post-Li Yuanba medical area alone. The guards dare not approach because of the confrontation just now, which makes Li Yuanba look a little lonely. But he is not lonely at all. He is quarrelling with someone. It is not too much …

品茶 夜网

Hmm. How interesting

Did Kate just date Mark? Pengyi Mark blinked at the direct door nursery. He was worried. After all, when Dorothy and theodora were playing the crying duet that night, Kate said she could handle it, but it turned out … On second thought. Mark should definitely trust Kate more. It’s important to get down to …


Even if Su Chuanyun takes the forbidden armor field and limps to take the silent enchantment, Shen Mu takes the forbidden area of Emperor Wu, the moon and the stars take the Milky Way Force Field, and Qin Tong takes the great capture of Jia Ye …

What’s the difference? After all, it is necessary to flatten the mountains and seas, and the imperial mecha will flatten the empire again. In other words, even the imperial mecha can have mountains high and massive? Just step flat. Ji Xinghe, who just leveled the ZS2-132 area, successfully reached the ZS2-133 area in the 29th …