
Shi Xiong patiently asked again to see that Li Erzhu was still at a loss. He waved to him and took him to the archery range. He casually took a bow from the side and handed it to Li Erzhu. "Just try this."

Li Erzhu looked at the bow in Shi Xiong’s hand, and his heart was a little more eager to try. The surface look was still uneasy. "Stone adults and villains have never pulled a bow … won’t it break?"
Shi Xiong was laughed at by his words, "It’s okay if you pull it casually, even if it’s broken."
Li Erzhu took the bow in Shi Xiong’s hand.
In fact, he really didn’t touch the bow and arrow, but there is still a point in aiming at the target. After all, he has been in a lot of trouble since he was a child.
However, he still prefers Zhuge Shen crossbow to bow and arrow.
Go to ancient verse 13 with life games.
After holding the bow, Li Erzhu’s posture was not right. Shi Xiong looked at him for a while and also took the bow and arrow on the other side and shot an arrow first to demonstrate.
Li Erzhu watched him move to learn the bow in his hand and was easily pulled away by him.
While trying to shoot an arrow, Shi Xiong changed his bow and took a heavier one.
In this way, after going back and forth several times, it was not until Li Erzhu pulled the bow and struggled that Shi Xiong stopped changing the bow and handed him an arrow pointing to the other side of the arrow target. "Just shoot there to see if you can hit the red heart."
Li Erzhu also lay on the red heart and shot the arrow directly without hesitation.
Right in the heart!
Bow Li Erzhu face and simple and honest expression.
Shi Xiong’s eyes were always in the middle of the target. The red arrow penetrated the target and left a hole in it. He looked back for a long time before squinting slightly and slowly asked, "Does Master Wen know your ability?"
"What ability?" Li Erzhu instantaneous alert surprised to see him scratching his head giggle "stone adults mean archery? But I won’t? "
"Is that right? I also learned it before you. It’s really good for a new arrow learner to have such a aim, "said Shi Xiong calmly."
"When I was a child, I was good at shooting birds. I can keep them with stones. A dozen quasi-roasted birds are also delicious." Li Erzhu said with a big smile, "It’s a pity that there is no place to shoot birds around here, otherwise I will definitely call Shi Daren."
"Really?" Shi Xiong smiled, "I really want to see it if I have a chance later. Go back to work first, and I’ll take you to practice archery more when I have a chance."
"Thank you, Master Shi. You and Master Wen are all good officials." Li Erzhu smiled and touted that he turned around and left, unlike when he met Wenping, he still looked back one step at a time.
Shi Xiong has been watching his back since Li Erzhu left.
He returned to his camp for a long time.
After the decision, he looked left and right. "Come out!"
Shi Wei came out of the corner. "Dad, how did you know I was here?"
"Just because you still want to escape your father’s eyes?" Shi Xiong went to the chair and sat down. "Since you’re here yourself, I’ll call you to come and sit down, and I’ll talk to you about the past."
Shi Wei carefully moved to his side and whispered, "Isn’t it impossible, Dad?"
"no? Do you want our stone family to die because of your silence? " Shi Xiong looked at him coldly.
"Dad, I know I’m wrong. I really know I’m wrong. I’ve been thinking a lot these days. It was really when I lost my head that I said those words, but I specially read them to make sure that no one dared to say that I didn’t dare again." Shi Wei bowed his head and apologized.
"Hum, it’s good that you know. Sooner or later, I must find that person!" Shi Xiong said mercilessly, "I suspected that Li Erzhu heard that you were good with him?"
Shi Wei never dreamed that Shi Xiong’s opening was that Li Erzhu was almost scared and would open his mouth for mercy. Before he suddenly remembered that Shi Xiong said "before", he quickly shut up and stopped talking.
Sure enough, Shi Xiong himself denied his guess for a second.
"But that Li Erzhu was sent by Wen’s adult. Well, Wen’s adult should have known him well, so he shouldn’t say such outrageous things." Shi Xiong said, "Li Erzhu’s strength is really great, and his archery is also very powerful. He should be trained more. His future is limitless."
Shi Wei can "uh-huh" nod. I’m really curious about what Li Erzhu did so easily that Shi Xiong changed his mind.
Is it because of the smell of adults?
Shi Xiong suddenly stared at Shi Wei. "I won’t let you fool around in those soldiers if you have any promise."
Shi Wei is in distress situation, but at this time, I really dare not say more.
Fortunately, Shi Xiong also casually said and continued to talk about it. "But Li Erzhu still has some problems. I always feel that he looks a little inconsistent and doesn’t look like an ordinary mountain family child."
Shi Wei didn’t even dare to say "well" at this time for fear that Shi Xiong would guess something from his words.
After Shi Xiong said something else, Shi Wei didn’t listen, and he didn’t come back until Shi Xiong said the right thing.
"Come on, I’ll let you go this time. If you dare to say those words again, I’ll break your leg so that you can’t go out again." Shi Xiong said faintly, his eyes rested on Shi Wei’s leg.
Shi Wei’s legs are weak. He knows that Shi Xiong always keeps his word. If there is a time when the Shi family is safe, his father will really break his legs.
"I really dare not do it again after knowing dad," he hurriedly said, and his heart was a little more afraid because of his recklessness. If someone really heard him that day, it would be a real disaster.
"When you go out, several people ask me where you have been. It always hurts to look at your old eyes." Shi Xiong skimmed his face and picked up a serious look.
Shi Wei went to the camp and was about to go out when Shi Xiong spoke behind him again.
"You must go to those friends. Your dad, I’m still waiting to catch them."
Shi Wei felt a quiver thinking about going out to find Li Erzhu and others, and his mind was weak. Don’t let his father know about Li Erzhu or his father will definitely start work on Li Erzhu.
He repeatedly replied to leave the camp quickly.
After returning to the mixed camp, Shi Wei also told people that he went to work for Shi Xiong and didn’t talk to Li Erzhu when he came back.
Until it was getting dark, he yawned and was yanked when he came back from the camp.
"Shh, it’s me, Li Erzhu. You’re a little bit smaller. I know your father is staring at me. Let’s talk somewhere else." Li Erzhu took Shi Wei from the other side of the camp and walked to a corner to squat.
Shi Weichang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Erzhu in shock. "Do you know why my dad is looking for you and still dare to pull me over to talk? No, how do you know him … He …? "
"It’s easy for your father to hide and not want to know you." Li Erzhu looked at Shi Wei. "I don’t know that your father and son are stupid, right? Do I look like such a fool? "
"I think you look like" Shi Wei turned away from Li Erzhu. "How dare you say those words to me when you know my identity?"
"It’s because of you that I said those words, otherwise what’s the point of telling others?" Li Erzhu asked, "They can’t do anything, but you are different. You are a stone lion. If you are, you may really change something."